Monday, October 31, 2011

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: Research the effect of late buses on student performance in core classes.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Discuss Possible topics with site supervisor.

J. Hall
C. Neal

Oct. 3, 2011 – Oct. 20, 2011

Internship plan
School data
Durham bus services list

Decide topic issue and monitor late buses for first six weeks of school.
Meet with Durham bus supervisor

J. Hall
T. Smith
Oct 24, 2011-Nov. 11, 2011
List of LMS bus riders
Bus routes to LMS
Drivers on routes to LMS
Monitor bus routes.
Evaluate list of LMS students on bus routes
Meet with attendance supervisor

J. Hall
V. Worbington
D. Lindville
Nov. 14, 2011-Dec. 2, 2011
1st period attendance records for first 2 six weeks core classes only
Evaluate tardies to 1st period by LMS bus riders.
Evaluate buses that are late every day.
Conduct Survey to 1st period core class teachers 7th and 8th grade.

J. Hall
Dec. 5, 2011-Dec. 20, 2011
Microsoft word
Semester test results
1st six weeks test results
2nd six weeks test results
Report card grades
Evaluate responses and correlate with attendance and tardy data.

Meet with site supervisor to discuss results
J. Hall
C. Neal
Jan. 9, 2012- Jan. 20, 2012
Data from survey and all records.
Evaluate data and survey to determine ideas for improvement.

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week Two Reflection

Its all about the DATA!! It is apparent to me that after this week to be a successful leader and have a successful campus you have to be data driven.  This is where education is going and I am OK with it.  I like the data! I like being able to hold my self accountable and my students accountable.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Leaders blogging?

I think blogging would be a great way for leaders to communicate with faculty openly about anything not just school related.  Maybe use it as a way to get to know the principal.  Maybe even open that up to kids and parents, a way to communicate on their level. Especially students that are so familiar with blogging.  Why not open up dont create that principal "isolation".

Action Research

Action Research is something that has to be used as a principal or leader of any organization.  It is the only way to really evaluate your campus and what is really going on amongst the students and faculty.  In order to be successful you have to know what works and doesn't work.  Really focus on what is going to improve your campus and what is hurting your campus. 

In order to do this as a principal you have to address the problems head on and research why there is a problem and how you can solve it.  Research will make you more aware of what needs to be done to be more successful.  It will also educate the entire faculty about what needs to take place in the future to avoid such problems.  Every situation is different so things might have to be done differently than what is expected and if change needs to happen to ensure the success of students research can back that up. 

As a Action Research really benefits principals in growing as a leader and allows them to see what is best for their campus.  As a leader to become better you have to understand every part of your job and the action research is only going to help in the process of knowing exactly what is taking palce on campus.  Students and teachers will benefit knowing that the principal is actively involved in making the best decision for the students and campus based on research not solely on their personal beliefs.